Author : Ganesh S.S.Y 1
Date of Publication :7th December 2016
Abstract: Sloshing has been one of the major concerns in the design of liquid storage tanks, particularly under seismic excitation. There are evidences of failures of liquid storage tanks due to sloshing, during the past earthquakes. The consequential increase in the hydrodynamic forces on the tank walls depend on a variety of factors such as geometry of the tank, height of liquid in the tank , fluid tank interaction etc.,. Added to these, the presence of an internal obstruction in the form of protruded columns or a shaft in to the tank structure will make the sloshing behavior all the more complicated. This paper presents the results from an experimental study conducted on elevated rectangular tank models, on a mini shake table , simulating the seismic excitation . Sloshing heights and sloshing patterns are recorded from the experiments and their variation was studied by varying parameters such as tank capacity, spacing of bracings, water level in the tank and the amplitudes of vibration. All the studies were made with and without the presence of internal obstruction. Results obtained were compared with those obtained theoretically from the relevant code and also with those obtained from a software tool SaE Ca net. It is observed that the experimental results are in close agreement with the theoretical ones.
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