Author : Nagesh Patwari 1
Date of Publication :7th January 2017
Abstract: This project proposes the performance of a 4- switch, 3-phase inverter fed induction motor (IM) drive system for high performance industrial drive systems. In the proposed realization, instead of a usual 6-switch three-phase inverter (SSTPI) a 4- switch three-phase inverter (FSTPI) is used. A cost effective FSTPI fed IM drive using Field-Oriented-Control and Space-Vector PWM controller (with new control SVPWM approach) is implemented in real time. This reduces the cost of the inverter, the switching losses, and the complexity of the control algorithms and interface circuits to generate 6 PWM logic signals. Furthermore, the proposed control approach reduces the computation for real-time implementation. In this paper, a simulation model of the drive system is developed and analyzed in order to verify the effectiveness of the approach. The complete vector control scheme for the IM drive fed from the proposed 4S3P inverter is implemented in real-time using digital signal processor for a prototype 1 hp motor. Theoretical and experimental results of the proposed drive verify the robustness of the drive. A performance comparison of the proposed IS3P inverter fed drive with a conventional 6S3P inverter fed drive is also mode in terms of speed response and total harmonic distortion (THI)) of the stator current. Simulation results show that the proposed drive system provides a fast speed response and good disturbance rejection capability. The designed inverter fed IM drive is found suitable considering its cost decrease and the robustness.
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