Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering(IJEREEE)

Monthly Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

Kinect: Platform for Augmented Reality

Author : Ashvini G.Bais 1 Yogita G. Kothari 2 Sarika U. Aswar 3

Date of Publication :7th February 2017

Abstract: Computing advances and increased smartphone use gives technology system designers greater flexibility in exploiting computer vision to support visually impaired users. Understanding these user’s needs will certainly provide insight for the development of improved usability of computing device. As new technologies and computer applications prove to be powerful tools for children’s with special needs in order to improve specific skills. However, there is still a gap between research development and its applicability in schools, based on their classroom education proposed framework with several activities. This project focus on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) and Face tracking method based on Kinect, Kinect has the advantage over ordinary camera because it has 2 sensor, an ordinary and depth sensor. In this project a method based on depth information is used for optimizing the face recognition combining with hand gesture which can switch automatically for students and teacher easy to operate the PPT screencast system and other teaching activities related to education domain.

Reference :

    1. Controlling a Robotic Fish Via a Natural User Interface for Informal Science Education Paul Phamduy, Mauro DeBellis, and Maurizio Porfiri, Senior Member, IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, VOL. 17, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2015.
    2. Marker Based Augmented Reality Using Android OS Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013.
    3.  Augmented Reality: Bridge between Real and Virtual World As New Way of Interaction with Computers Satellite Conference ICSTSD 2016 International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, May 24-26, 2016.
    4. Gesture & Speech Recognition using Kinect Device – A Review Satellite Conference ICSTSD 2016 International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, May 24-26, 2016.
    5. K. (2001) CPN/Tools: Revisiting the Desktop Metaphor with Post-WIMP Interaction Techniques. Extended Abstracts from CHI2001, pp. 11-12. 6. Kinect for Windows SDK Programming Guide.pdf

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