Author : Shidhar S. Kanapanavar 1
Date of Publication :7th February 2017
Abstract: Deforestation is today's most serious problem all over the world. Due to excessive popularization & industrialization, forest area's are getting destructed in massive ratio. Not only forests are getting destructed, it is leading to spoil the biodiversity system. Almost all Asian territory is facing unplanned climate seasons over past few years. It's also leading to global warming also. To avoid deforestation, many of developed countries have implemented some innovative ways & one most useful & popular way for reforestation is showering & spreading the seeds over forest area from real aircrafts & it has achieved a huge success. But still it's affordable & possible for developed countries only, to make use of real aircraft for this purpose . As India is developing country, we are proposing here the innovative & alternative solution if reforestation with help of drones. As our idea is to make a UAV drone capable of carrying a small seed bag & dropping those seeds over the preplanned area. This drone uses the GPS assistance system, so it can maintain its boundaries & coordinates accurately. It saves a huge cost of real aircraft & pilots fares.
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