Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering(IJEREEE)

Monthly Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

Transmission Line Arrester and Its Application

Author : S.varun kumar 1 2

Date of Publication :24th August 2017

Abstract: In high-voltage transmission systems instrument transformers and circuit-breakers during the dead time of an auto- reclosing cycle are frequently damaged by direct multiple lightning strokes into the conductors of overhead lines nearby a substation. These devices can be protected by arresters at the line entrance. An efficient and economical solution of a standard arrester integrated into a standard arrester is covered here, which allows the arrester to be installed without additional space requirements. The new device has been applied in 245-kV- and 420-kV-systems so far.Only for the 420-kV-system some modifications to the grading ring of the arrester had to be introduced. This paper presents information on the requirements on the arrester and the various applications of transmission line arrester.

Reference :

    1. Coralline Inc. Reduction of Transmission Line Losses by Replacement of Shield Wires with Arresters. Troy, NY: New York State Enery Research and Development Authority, 2014.
    2. W. A. Chisholm, J. G. Anderson, A. Phillips, J. Chan, “Lightning Performance of Compact Lines,” International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Nov. 9–13, 2009, Brazil.
    3.  J. Woodworth, “Lowering Losses on Transmission Lines with the Use of Arresters” (paper presented at IEEE T&D Conference, 2014)
    4. Ceralink Inc. Reduction of Transmission Line Losses by Replacement of Shield Wires with Arresters. Troy, NY: New York State Energy R

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