Author : C.Hemasireesha 1
Date of Publication :19th September 2017
Abstract: This paper proposes a hybrid static synchronous compensator (crossover STATCOM) in a three-phase control transmission system that has a wide remuneration range and low DC-connect voltage. As a result of these noticeable attributes, the system expenses can be significantly lessened. In this paper, the circuit setup of hybrid STATCOM is presented first. Its V-I characteristics is then broke down, examined, and contrasted and conventional STATCOM and capacitive-coupled STATCOM (CSTATCOM). The system parameter configuration is then proposed on the premise of thought of the reactive power pay range and shirking of the potential reverberation issue. From that point forward, a control methodology for hybrid STATCOM is proposed to permit operation under various voltage and current conditions, for example, lopsided current, voltage plunge, and voltage blame. At last, reproduction and test comes about are given to confirm the wide pay range and low DC-interface voltage attributes and the great dynamic execution of the proposed mixture STATCOM
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