Author : K Rangaswamy 1
Date of Publication :14th September 2017
Abstract: IEEE 802.11 is one standard for the wireless communication in radio frequency range.This 802.11b defines the Medium Access Control Layer [MAC] for wireless local area networks. Now a days wireless local area network, WLAN isused more people so that is the main reason for doing research on this most of the projects going on simulation because of its effective cost.The main core of the IEEE 802.11b standard is the CSMA\CA, Physical and MAC layers. But here we are giving only MAC layer for transmitter using the VHDL. VHDL is language it is used of designs and implementing a n electronic modules. VHDLstands for Very High Speed Hardware Description LANguage.It is defined in IEEE as a tool of creation of electronics system because it supports the development verification synthesis and testing of hardware design, the communication of hardware design data and the maintenance, modification and procurement of hardware. The main purpose of the IEEE 802.11 standard is to provide wireless connectivity to devices that require a faster installation. MAC procedures are defined here for accessing the physical medium, which can be infrared or radio frequency. Here Wi-Fi MAC Transmitter module is divided in to 5 blocks i.e. Data Unit Interface block, Controller block, Pay Load Data Storage block, MAC Header Register block, Data Processing block. In this paper, we are considering only Payload Data Storage block.
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