Date of Publication :20th November 2017
Abstract: The renewable energy is vital for today’s world as in near future the non-renewable sources that we are using are going to get exhausted. The solar vehicle is a step in saving these non-renewable sources of energy. This paper discusses the application of solar energy to power up the vehicle.The basic principle of solar-based electric vehicle is to use energy that is stored in a battery during and after charging it from a solar panel. The charged batteries are used to drive the motor which serves here as an engine and moves the vehicle in reverse or forward direction. The Photo Voltaic (PV) Module may be connected either in parallel or series, but it’s costlier. Thus to make it cost effective; power converters and batteries are been used. The electrical charge is consolidated from the PV panel and directed to the output terminals to produce low voltage (Direct Current). The charge controllers direct this power acquired from the solar panel to the batteries. According to the state of the battery, the charging is done, so as to avoid overcharging and deep discharge. The voltage is then booted up using the boost DC-DC power converter, and then an inverter through which DC power is converted to AC power ultimately running the BLDC motor which is used as the drive motor for our vehicle application. This paper focuses on the design, simulation and implementation of the various components namely: solar panel, charge controller, battery, DC-DC boost converter, DC-AC power converter (Inverter circuit) and BLDC motor required for the vehicle application. All these components are studied in real time and also modeled individually using MATLAB/SIMULINK and the complete hardware integration of the system is tested to meet up the application’s requirement.
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