Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering(IJEREEE)

Monthly Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

Use of Embedded Metal Nanostructures for Solar Cells

Author : Srikanth Punna 1 2

Date of Publication :10th February 2017

Abstract: Thin island metal motion pictures embedded in the p-n semiconductor crossing point of a photovoltaic structure engage out and out change their viability. A kind of metal portrays this change. In this work, we show our outcomes of test trials of creation photovoltaic heterostructures ITO/C-Si with thin metal motion pictures introduced into the semiconductor crossing point. We associated such metals as gold and silver which can show up the limited surface plasmon resonation impacts when the islet estimations are a couple of nanometers. We found that the gold nanoparticle in a general sense improves the photovoltaic change profitability when the silver nanoparticles keep the photocurrent age. Made photo control in the examples with embedded gold island films was more to around 10 times that without this interlayer. All metal island motion pictures and ITO maker films were prepared using low-weight triode dc sputtering system.

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