Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering(IJEREEE)

Monthly Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

E-Drive for Dual Powered Eco-Friendly Hybrid Dory Boat in Fishery

Author : G.Vaishnavi 1 Dr.S.Muralidharan 2

Date of Publication :30th November 2017

Abstract: Fossil fuels are the stage of extinction. Future generation depends on the renewable energy sources which are available abundant in nature. Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, fuel cell, biogas sources are fast emerging energy sources used in the application of hybrid vehicles on both land way and waterway transportation. In marine sector, diesel engines are needed to maintained frequently. Dory boats are the means of transportation for rural fishing and passenger carrier in the tourist area. On accounting to the conventional ferry/Ro-Ro/tugboats owner’s revenue report, about 45% of their revenue is spent on the purchase of fuel like diesel. In addition, fuel spillage in water bodies can cause a chance of the threat to sub-marine diversity. In order to cut down the fossil fuel cost and to reduce the spillage of fuel in water hybrid eco-friendly dory boats is designed, which are powered by renewable energy like battery and solar cells. In order to overcome the uncertainty caused by solar output, the battery is introduced to act as a backup source of the adverse condition. With the help of power electronic converter, the output voltage of the battery and solar cells are combined to get the maximum efficiency at all environmental condition. Variable input voltages are processed with the help of multi-input power converters. In this application proposed dual input buck-boost converter which is mainly used to buck-boost the output dc voltage and also to supply power to the load individually or simultaneously according to our requirement. In conventional dory boats, IC Engine's are the major reason for noisy operation and CO2 emission. In order to overcome this strategy, conventional engine’s are replaced by excellent performing noiseless BLDC motor drive which is zero percent emission. To put it in nutshell, eco-friendly hybrid dory boats can reduce the expenditure on the area of fuel cost and maintenance cost and water pollution. On the whole hybrid, dory boats can improve the style of social living of boat owner’s and users.

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