Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering(IJEREEE)

Monthly Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

Ultraviolet Radiation Protection of Human through Protection Coverings: Bamboo

Author : Dr. Avinash Kolhatkar 1 Ajay Rathod 2

Date of Publication :21st February 2018

Abstract: Ultraviolet radiation is the hazardous form of radiant energy emitted from sun. The sun emits a range of energy known as the electromagnetic spectrum. The various forms of energy or radiations are classified according to its wavelength. The shorter the wavelength, more energetic radiation and more hazardous to humans. Sunlight that reaches the earth is composed of 66% Infrared light, 32% Visible light and 2% Ultraviolet light. There are three categories of UV radiations UV-A (320-400 nm), UV-B (280-320 nm) and UV-C (200-280 nm). The increasing pollution day by day makes the situation more dangerous and causes severe destructive effects on ozonosphere, which causes more ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth surface. Exposure of humans and their skin to ultraviolet radiation of different wavelengths are very hazardous and harmful to humans. As exposure to these radiations causes various skin tissues damages, which leads to several problems visible on the surface of the skin, such as early ageing of the skin, roughening, wrinkles, blotches, sagging and regular exposure for long durations even leads to skin cancer. This research elaborates the in-depth study of ultraviolet radiation and its effects and exposure to humans and specific to their skin. The study involves the study of various protection methods specifically in terms of clothing or apparel or coverings. The study uses various natural, regenerated and synthetic fibres and materials tested for protection from this hazard of ultraviolet radiation. The study reveal that, bamboo fibre or material or coverings made from its combinations protects human skin from harmful and hazardous damages caused by UV radiation, because it naturally possesses anti-UV radiation characteristics In this study samples of various weaves like plain and twill fabric were produced from bamboo, cotton, polyester and bamboo: cotton(50:50) blended yarns. The result shows that bamboo fabric has shown higher UV protection than cotton fabric of similar specification. It is also observed that twill weave exhibits higher UV protection than plain weave and used for industrial manufacturing clothing, protective clothing and coverings.

Reference :

    1. Arshia Hussain and Dr. Shanaz, “Textiles Protection against Ultraviolet Radiations,” The Indian Textile Journal, pp. 20-34, June 2010
    2. D. Saravanan, “UV Protection Textile Materials, AUTEX Research Journal, vol.7, no.1, pp.53-62, March 2007.
    3. N. Abidi, E. F. Hequet, and G. Abdalah, “Cotton Fabric & UV-Protection, International Textile Center,” Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX. Beltwide Cotton Conference, vol.2, pp. 1301-1303,2001.
    4.  Thilo Gambichler, Sebastian Rotterdam, Peter Altmeyer and Klaus Hoffman, “Protection against UV Radiation by Commercial Summer Clothing,” BMC Dermatology,no.1.6, 2001
    5. Polona Dobnik Dubrovski and Miran Brezocnik, “Prediction of the Ultraviolet Protection of Cotton Woven Fabrics Dyed with Reactive Dyestuff,” Fibre & Textiles in Eastern Europe, vol 17, no 1(72),pp. 55-59, Jan/March 2009.
    6. Dr. Nemailal Tarafder, “Textiles for Protection against Harmful UV Radiation,” Man -made Textiles in India, pp.411-416, November 2007.
    7. Anita A. Desai, “Clothing that offers Protection Against Ultraviolet Radiation,” Textile Magazine, pp.77- 79, January 200).

    1. Arshia Hussain and Dr. Shanaz, “Textiles Protection against Ultraviolet Radiations,” The Indian Textile Journal, pp. 20-34, June 2010.
    2. D. Saravanan, “UV Protection Textile Materials, AUTEX Research Journal, vol.7, no.1, pp.53-62, March 2007.
    3. N. Abidi, E. F. Hequet, and G. Abdalah, “Cotton Fabric & UV-Protection, International Textile Center,” Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX. Beltwide Cotton Conference, vol.2, pp. 1301-1303,2001.
    4. Thilo Gambichler, Sebastian Rotterdam, Peter Altmeyer and Klaus Hoffman, “Protection against UV Radiation by Commercial Summer Clothing,” BMC Dermatology,no.1.6, 2001.
    5. Polona Dobnik Dubrovski and Miran Brezocnik, “Prediction of the Ultraviolet Protection of Cotton Woven Fabrics Dyed with Reactive Dyestuff,” Fibre & Textiles in Eastern Europe, vol 17, no 1(72),pp. 55-59, Jan/March 2009.
    6. Dr. Nemailal Tarafder, “Textiles for Protection against Harmful UV Radiation,” Man -made Textiles in India, pp.411-416, November 2007.
    7. Anita A. Desai, “Clothing that offers Protection Against Ultraviolet Radiation,” Textile Magazine, pp.77- 79, January 200).

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