Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering(IJEREEE)

Monthly Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

Design and Implementation of Robo Arm Control Based on Matlab with Arduino Interface

Author : T.Rajesh 1 M. Karthik Reddy 2 Afreen Begum 3 D.Venkatesh 4

Date of Publication :21st February 2018

Abstract: In the present days, a number of situations exist where it is not possible for a human operator to do an activity on his/her own, due to a level of danger or difficulty involved. They may involve taking readings from an active volcano, entering a building on fire, diffusing a bomb, or collecting a radioactive sample. Rather than compromising on human lives, it is better to employ robotic systems for performing difficult tasks. Robotic systems are far superior in ensuring the accuracy of the system under adverse circumstances wherein a human operator may lose his/her composure and focus. Here we propose to build a robotic arm controlled by Matlab/Simulink interfacing with Arduino Uno. The development of this arm is based on Arduino platform and Matlab A servo motor is a combination of DC motor, position control system, gears. The position of the shaft of the DC motor is adjusted by the control electronics in the servo, based on the duty ratio of the PWM signal.Servo is proposed for low speed, medium torque and accurate position application. These motors are used in robotic arm machines, flight controls and control systems. This project presents an interactive module for learning both the fundamental and practical issues of servo systems interface with ARDUINO UNO.This project, developed using Matlab coding tool, is used to control robotics applications. The objective of this project is to control the servo by using ARDUINO UNO with MATLAB & SIMULINK.

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