Author : Jyotsna W. Chavhan 1
Date of Publication :28th March 2018
Abstract: Underwater wireless communication is a rapidly growing area of research and engineering. Various scientists are exploring fundamental aspects of Underwater Acoustic Communication for various underwater applications like Oceanographic data collection, Pollution monitoring, offshore exploration, Disaster prevention, Assisted Navigation, Tactical Surveillance, and Mine Reconnaissance. To achieve this objective, sensors and vehicles self-organize in an autonomous network, which can adapt to the characteristics of the ocean environment. The above-described features enable a broad range of applications for underwater acoustic sensor networks. Acoustic communication transmission technology is used for this UWASN (Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network), but still, due to the physical properties of the propagation medium, underwater acoustic signals suffer from severe transmission loss, time-varying multipath propagation, Doppler spread, limited and distance-dependent bandwidth, and high propagation delay. Also, waves under the water are scattered and propagate very slow which produces the propagation delay in it. The scattering nature of underwater communication channel raised the problem of multipath fading, Doppler delay, Doppler shift and Doppler spread. The proposed system gives the maximum possible solution to all these issues using maximum entropy modeling method where the channel is modeled based on the Gaussian distribution for the rapidly time-varying delay factor. In this method, the Doppler spread is identified between the transmitted signal and the received signal. Also, as the communication under the water gives scattering nature of transmission, the bit transmission rate and bit error rate are calculated based on channel transmission scheme using OFDM.
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