Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering(IJEREEE)

Monthly Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

Study of Effect of Magnetizing Inrush Current on Power Transformer Using MATLAB

Author : Aarti A. Madan 1 Nitu N. Khobragade 2 Shital D. Thombare 3 Chandrakant J. Sharma 4

Date of Publication :29th March 2018

Abstract: This paper provides the effect of magnetizing inrush current on the power transformer. At the time of energization power transformer draws high current called transformer inrush current. With the help of Triac, as a high switching device magnitude of inrush current at various switching angle is studied. Inrush current normally appears due to saturation of magnetization of the iron core, when power transformer is switched on no load. In the proposed method Triac is used for the short period of time for energization of the transformer. By controlling the phase angle of Triac magnetic inrush current is reduced. To study the performance of proposed method simulation of power system model is carried out in MATLAB and inrush current at various switching angle is studied

Reference :

    1. Shantanu Kumar, Member IEEE, Victor Sreeram, Member IEEE, 2013 “Elimination of DC Component and Identification of Inrush Current Using Harmonic Analysis For Power Transformer Protection”
    2. Doughas I. Taylor , Member IEEE, Joseph D. Law , Brian K Jonsan , Senior Member IEEE and Norman Fisher , Member IEEE, IEEE Transactions on power delivery, Vol.27 . No. 1. January 2012 „„Single-phase Transformer Inrush current reduction using prefluxing‟‟
    3. Allan Greenwood, „„Elecrical Transients in Power System‟‟, Second edition, 1991

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