Author : S.Gopa Kumar 1
Date of Publication :22nd April 2021
Abstract: This project is aimed at the implementation of a Fuzzy logic algorithm Based Maximum Power Point Tracking in Transformer less Grid Connected PV System along with Reactive Power Compensation. A zeta converter based charge controller for PV system is designed and implemented. P&O algorithm is implemented using Fuzzy logic. The mathematical model for PV panel and zeta converter is done. The simulation is done by MATLAB simulation software and the results are compared with the hardware. A DC-DC ZETA Converter is used for maintaining DC input to the inverter at various conditions of irradiation and temperature. This converter is used in power supply modules for electronic circuits. Adapted Zeta converter types with galvanic isolation are used in switched-mode power supplies for active reactive power compensation . Results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in utilizing the PV system. This project is implemented using DSPIC30F2010 controller.
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