Author : Nabeel Habeeb 1
Date of Publication :7th August 2015
Abstract: The Solar energy is a green and cheap resources available to us. But its use is not deployed to the maximum. In another perspective, it is only confined to photovoltaic generation systems. This paper explains about a Stirling engine run by sunlight’s heat. Hence when an alternator is coupled to this engine electricity is generated. A Stirling engine is basically a heat engine that operates by cyclic compression and expansion of air or other gases, the working fluid, at different levels such that there is a net change in heat transfer which will produce the mechanical work. Stirling engine uses only two pistons for operation. The heat energy from sun is concentrated by a computer controlled dish collector which uses a mirror or Fresnel lens. This Stirling engine is coupled with a generator to produce electricity. The generator used here is a linear alternator. Linear alternators contain less moving parts. Provision for storing sunlight’s heat is implemented when it is not available is by using salt storage system. Another alternative for providing heat when sunlight is not available is by heating up the household or domestic wastes. It has the ability to use any burnable fuel like wood, straw, agricultural wastes other cheap and readily available combustibles. The reason behind this is that Stirling engine is sensitive to heat energy. Stirling engine has high efficiency (40%). Also it is noted for its quiet operation and less maintenance. It is important to switch to non-conventional energy resources as there is price hike and scarcity of conventional source. Sunlight powered Stirling engine generator has the capability of becoming an non-conventional energy generation.
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