Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering(IJEREEE)

Monthly Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

Robot Sensor Data Platform to Measure Interactive Reactions to a Human

Author : Harish Revankar 1 Abhishek Priyadarshi 2 Sanket Pattar 3 Arjun Basutkar 4

Date of Publication :7th January 2016

Abstract: This study investigates a methodology using sensor data from a humanoid robot to interpret a human’s feelings towards a social interaction with the robot. Subjects of diverse backgrounds taught the robot how to play a rock-paper-scissors game while the robot discreetly took measures of hand temperature, tactile pressure, forces, and face distance. Before and after the interaction, surveys were administered to measure the subject’s technophobia level and reactions to the robot. Several correlations were found between the questionnaire data and sensor data, following tendencies supported by previous research and psychological studies. The usage of robot sensor data may provide a quick, natural, and discreet alternative to survey data to analyze user feelings towards a social interaction with a humanoid robot. These results may also guide roboticists on the design of humanoid robots and sensors able to measure and react to their users.

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