Author : Adarsh Nayak 1
Date of Publication :7th May 2016
Abstract: Electricity distribution is the final stage in the delivery of electricity from generating power plants to end users. A distribution system's network carries electricity from the transmission system and delivers its load centers. It is the most visible part of the power supply chain, and most exposed to the critical observation of its users. Due to the huge demand for electricity we introduced load shedding, but often inconvenient. The alternative method is load scheduling. The load schedule is usually categorized by local transformer or occasionally by sub-facility / area so that it becomes convenient for the people to overcome their basic needs. In order to have such a system, improvement in identifying the point of fault occurrence, fixing the fault in minimum time, keeping a proper data base of outage and fault occurrence, effectively monitor the voltage, current and temperature variation and other related parameters like preventing oil theft, identifying the voltage drop and keeping the variation within the standard level are essential.
Reference :
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