Author : Masum P Patel 1
Date of Publication :7th August 2016
Abstract: The paper consists of the study about the electrical traction system. First of the major things in train is safety then speed. Afterwards comfort zone. It is automation due to technology. Which improve in day-to-day life? It has the radio frequency system. There different kinds of traction system used in the new generation of INDIA. Today there are different kinds of up gradations also available in the traction system. The maglev train, Tubular train, Bullet train are the different kinds of new technology in traction system, which gives us safety as well as speed. The Maglev train is working on the concept of Magnetic levitation, The new technology of Tubular train also use full for traction system. The operation of the tubular rail is based on electromagnets. The electromagnets are placed in some distance which is of tube shape. The installation of this project is costly the main advantage is that if speeds the life. The paper shows that the different kinds of electrical traction system & new up gradation in the traction system.
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