Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering(IJEREEE)

Monthly Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

A Novel Approach for Design and Analysis of A Modular Multilevel Converters For HVDC Networks

Author : Y. Dilli Krishnaiah 1 J.Yugandhar 2

Date of Publication :7th August 2016

Abstract: Modular multilevel converters are a rising voltage source converter topology reasonable for some applications. The expanded usage of HVDC power transmission arrangements has brought about Modular Multilevel Converter sturning into a more regular converter sort. Different applications incorporate interfacing renewable vitality power sources to the system and engine drives. Measured multilevel converters are gainful for medium voltage engine drives in light of the fact that the properties of this converter topology, for example, low twisting, take into account an effective engine drive plan. In this paper we exhibited the configuration and execution of a vigorous Modular Multilevel Converter which can be interconnected with the conventional HVDC power dispersion systems which gives various remarkable execution highlights like bidirectional power flow coordination, dependable step up and step down operation particular multilevel dc/dc converter, termed the DC-MMC, that can be sent to interconnect and bidirectional adaptation to internal failure which is as often as possible found in the DC circuit breakers. The center part of the proposed Modular Multilevel Converter make utilization of interleaved strings of fell submodules.The proposed converter model actualizes an open circle voltage control technique to guarantee the power equalization of each discrete capacitor module with the assistance of flowing AC ebbs and flows. The proposed converters are composed, executed and tried in the Matlab Environment. The recreation results pronounced that the proposed methodology is best in all viewpoints and beats all the current methodologies.

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