Author : Baya Reddy 1
Date of Publication :7th October 2016
Abstract: Unintentional series and/or parallel resonances, due to the tuned passive filter and the line inductance, may result in severe harmonic distortion in the industrial power system. This paper presents a hybrid active filter to suppress harmonic resonance and to reduce harmonic distortion. The proposed hybrid filter is operated as variable harmonic conductance according to the voltage total harmonic distortion; therefore, harmonic distortion can be reduced to an acceptable level in response to load change or parameter variation of the power system. Since the hybrid filter is composed of a seventh-tuned passive filter and an active filter in series connection, both dc voltage and KVA rating of the active filter are dramatically decreased compared with the pure shunt active filter. In real application, this feature is very attractive since the active power filter with fully power electronics is very expensive. A reasonable tradeoff between filtering performances and cost is to use the hybrid active filter. Design considerations are presented, and experimental results are provided to validate effectiveness of the proposed method. Furthermore, this paper discusses filtering performances on line impedance, line resistance, voltage unbalance, and capacitive filters.
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