Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering(IJEREEE)

Monthly Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

5 D Optical Storage Devices: Superman of All Storages

Author : Abhinandan Das 1 2

Date of Publication :7th October 2016

Abstract: Storage of data is very essential for the continuity of human race. Storage devices like pen drives, hard discs or even the internal storage offered in our mobile phones are not enough for storage of special types of data which may include microscopy, digital images and all sorts of computing data. Moreover, we face problems like crashing of the hard disc, pen drives etc. untimely. It is sometimes difficult to retrieve those vital data. Hence, we need to device a storage medium that can be used to read, write, store and erase data including those of medical imaging and microsurgery. At this juncture, nanotechnology comes into the foreplay, which has successfully recorded, read, and erased data from a piece of Nano-structured glass. This technique could revolutionize microscopy in general and medical imaging in specific — and, perhaps more importantly for computing, it could also be used to store binary data, like an optical disc. Unlike DVDs or Blue-rays, which seem to be capable of storing data for an unlimited period of time without a reduction in data integrity, the 5D optical storage could allow for densities as high as 360 terabytes per disc, and unless it is crushed in a vice, these discs are so non-volatile that data stored on them should survive the human race. However the implementation of digital data storage, which is a crucial step towards the real world applications, has not been demonstrated by ultrafast laser writing. Here, a digital copy of the text file in 5D using polarization controlled selfassembled ultrafast laser Nano structuring in silica glass has been successfully recorded and retrieved.

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