Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering(IJEREEE)

Monthly Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN : 2395-2717 (Online)

Modelling Of PV Cells Using Matlab/Simulink

Author : Sri Kala. Murali Krishna 1 2

Date of Publication :7th October 2016

Abstract: Energy is the prime mover of economic growth and is vital to the sustenance of a modern economy. One of the major concerns in the power sector is the day-to-day increasing power demand but the unavailability of enough resources to meet the power demand using the covenantal energy sources. Renewable sources like wind energy and solar energy are the prime energy sources which are being unlined in this regard. The cernuous use of fossil fuels has caused the fossil fuel deposit to be reduced and has rascally affected the environment depleting the biosphere and cumulavely adding to global warming. Solar energy is abundantly available that has made it possible to harvest it and utilize it properly

Reference :

    1. Pearce,Joshua (2002). ―Photovoltaic’s-A path to sustainable future‖
    2. Palz,Wolfgang(2013). Solar /power for the world‖. About the Author... This document prepared by Srikala. Murali Krishna doing M.Tech on Power electronic and Drives in Swetha institute of technology and science.

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