Publication Ethics Statements : For Authors
Adapted from Wager E & amp Kleinert S (2011) Responsible research publication: international standards for authors. A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010. Chapter 50 in: Mayer T & Steneck N (eds) Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment. Imperial College Press / World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (pp 309-16). (ISBN 978-981-4340-97-7)
International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IJEREEE) devoted to sustaining its standards of quality by ensuring that the integrity of all the scientific output it publishes, is nothing short of being exemplary and edifying for readers.
In accordance with these standards, it is highly advised that authors abstain from falsifying research outcomes that could prove to be damaging to the reputability of the IJEREEE Journal as well as the overall effort of our personal, by upholding all the values of being a thorough professional and scientific author.
Ensuring the all-round integrity of one's research work, its outcomes, and their portrayal can be secured by adhering to certain guidelines for exemplary scientific practice, such as -
Submitting a certain manuscript to not more than one journal at a time.
Submitting work that has been thoroughly self-vetted for its originality, meaning that it hasn't been published in any other form, journal or language, (either in part or completely), except if the work is a continuation of research that has been already published and has entirely brand new/fresh insights to offer. (in cases where material has been reused in some form or another, authors are urged to provide further clarity and shed more light on such issues).
Submitting work such that the outcomes and conclusions of the research are presented plainly and genuinely, without being manipulated or falsified (this also includes the manipulation of images). All authors are implored to follow specialization-specific guidelines in compiling, demarcating, and preparing data.
Submitting work that is completely original where no part of the work (data, text, concepts, ideas, and outcomes) is plagiarized from someone else. IJEREEE reserves the right to make use of its plagiarism tool to verify the authenticity and originality of a manuscript.
Submitting work where the names and list of all authors, corresponding authors as well as the order in which they are mentioned are all exact and correct. This is owing to the fact that appending to a list of authors and editing names/lists of authors during the revision process is conventionally not allowed, but might be deemed as necessary only in a few specific cases. The reasons for any appending/editing of the names/lists of authors that need to be made should be clearly stated before a request is made. It is important to note that any requests for appending/editing the names/lists of authors, will not be entertained once a manuscript has been accepted for publication.